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A place for special stars to shine bright

Welcome to The Learning Star

We understand how scary and uncertain it is to find out that your little star is on the spectrum. 
It is very overwhelming and there are so many opinions. 

There is a lot to understand and many tools that can help. 

We want to help. 

We have put together the best tools and guides, to help parents who have found their star to be diagnosed with autism or a spectrum disorder.  These tools and guides have helped us greatly along the way as we soar through the galaxy of the spectrum with our little star.  


Our only goal is to help you and your star shine bright!


Beginning Stages of Lift Off


Here you will find some stories of our experience . 

You are not alone on this road there is a lot of help.

Take a deep breathe and remember one thing...

LOVE conquers all.


There is so much to know. 

Since each star is different you can not just take one rocket ship to the moon.  You might have to hop on several different ones.

Here you will find some terms and definitions.

It's ok to feel confused...there is no test at the end.  


Feel Like you are on a roller coaster yet?  You are only in the beginning stages of lift off...

enjoy the ride. 

These are all the programs and therapies we have tried and the results.  You will also find a resource guide


You will have good days and bad days, just like with anything else.  But, when you hold the magic piece to the puzzle you will unlock your stars best abilities.


Our Approach


Everyday is a new day. 

Some days will be easier than others. 

Start every morning believing it will be
the best day of their life.


Our only job
as parents of these special stars is

to help them shine


Special Stars....

"You are the sun,

the moon,

and all the stars”

(paraphrased) E. E. Cummings

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