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Communication is Key

There are so many different forms of communication. Don’t get hung up on words. Listen with your heart and teach with your soul. A parent can here what their children do not say.


Communication is KeyThe Learning Star
00:00 / 06:51

What do you need to get started?

This is an easy one.  You need to have an open mind, heart 2 hands and 2 ears.  Let your child lead you.

Watch them as they want their cup.  What are they doing?  What does their face look like?  What are they doing with their hands?

What are there mannerisms when they are hungry.  Do they touch their face a lot, do they walk aimlessly around the kitchen.  


Stay tuned for part 2 of this episode when we let you know the specifics on what our star does.  Maybe they will help you?


Points to Remember

Here is the scoop!


1.  Communication does not always mean words.

2.  Parents listen with your heart and meet your child where they are.  If they are not talking today help them find a way to communicate.  Talking is more than just words.  

3.  Communication needs a lot of planning.  Be patient and figure out what works for your little one.  Pictures, prompts, gestures... they all count

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