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The Learning Star's Guide to Beginning PECS

Help my child can't speak or verbally communicate...

You have a non-verbal or non-lingual child.  We welcome you and want you to know you are not alone.  If you answer yes to this next question you are in the right place. 

Do you or your child get frustrated because you can not communicate with one another?

YES!!  We all have been there. 


There is a system called PECS that can be used to help your child communicate.  PECS means Picture Exchange Communication System.  Basically, the child uses a picture in exchange for the item.  This is the begginers guide as it really should be taught by a certified PECS specialist.  They are usually your Speech and Language Therapists.  But if you do not have one or are waiting you can start small and work your way  up.   


PECSThe Learning Star
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What do you need to get started?

Here you will find a list of things we use at our home.  Items link to Amazon to make shopping and preparation easy for you!!  You might have some of these things at home or have purchased them through our other links.  


I use different websites or I create my own for our PECS system.

Here are 2 sites that I would reccommend.



Laminating Sheets




Points to Remember

Here is the scoop!


1.  You can find a lot of resources on line to get started, but true organization and teaching PECS come best when trained by a Certified Speech Teacher.

2. Keep it simple.  Start with one picture and hold it next to the item and speak the name always.

3.  Make it fun, use it for favorite song, food or tv show.  Things that are highly motivating.    

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