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Who is The Learning Star?

We are a real family, (mother, father and sister) of a little boy that has was diagnosed with Severe Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder.  He was 23 months at the time of the first diagnosis.

We understand how scary and uncertain it is to find out that your little star is on the spectrum. It is very overwhelming and there are so many opinions. There is a lot to understand and many tools that can help. 

We want to help. 

We have put together the best tools, guides, podcasts, blogs and teach classes of what we have learned; and are learning to help parents who have found their star to be diagnosed with autism or a spectrum disorder.  These tools and guides have helped us greatly along the way as we soar through the galaxy of the spectrum with our little star.  


Our only goal is to help you and your star shine bright!

Who is The Learning StarThe Learning Star
00:00 / 04:07

What do you need to get started?

An Open Mind, Love, Faith and a lot of patience.


This is the section we will outline what you need to get started on what every the podcast is you are listening to. We will provide Amazon links to help get the items you need.  Some of the things you might have already.  That is great! If not, we just want to provide the assistance you need.


Points to Remember

Here is the scoop!


1.  This is the section in our blogs and on our podcast that we will outline 3 big points that we want you to remember.

2.  There is usually at least 3 points.  We try to keep it simple.

3.  Brownie is our weighted stuffed bear who writes for our blog.  Check it out Brownies Blog



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