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What is The Learning Star?

The Learning Star, is a website for parents with children under 4 newly diagnosed with spectrum disorders. It was made from parents with a child on the spectrum and we call him out little star. Our little star has a lot to learn, but so do we. Sometimes learning together makes things fun and less frustrating.

We have put everything we have learned in an organized fun to read layout. The site will be updated frequently as we learn new things and find new ways of helping our star learn too!!

Most of all we hope you will find companionship with our characters and support from our pages.

At The Learning Star we understand most of your feelings and share in your stress. Please come visit frequently to find piece of mind and peace at heart.

Come with us as we will take the journey and explore the galaxy of the spectrum.

Click here to read our About Us, Frequently Asked Questions, or to shop at our sensory toy store Cosmic Calmers.


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