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My child was diagnosed with Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder or Developmental Delay. Now What?

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

Most people take for granted the air inside a balloon until the balloon pops. We know when we heard the initial diagnosis we felt completely deflated. Like someone had just removed all the air from the inside. What just happened or what will happen? There is so much anxiety, worry anticipation, doubt, denial and so many other feelings you never thought you would have.

  • How did this happen?

  • What will/did the tests reveal?

  • Will my star be okay? Will they have a "normal" life?

  • What does this all mean?

Please know that every parent with a child on the spectrum has been in your shoes. Everyone has a ton of questions and everyone is seeking something to make this ok.

What we have learned and have to remind ourselves every day is that it's not about us. It's about our little star. Whether we can accept this or not our star will still have Autism, SPD, & PICA. That is out of our control. We can only from this point control how we approach this new and how we move forward.

The answer is LOVE. It always has been and always will be.

The fact that you love your child so much and are worried, have anxiety about their future means they will have a wonderful life. So congratulations you got that part for the story written, a happy ending.

Now, let's write those pages in between that will help us get there.

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