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Never feel alone or Isolated

I have read so many instagram stories in the last few weeks that are about new Autism Diagnosis or just being parents of a child diagnosed with a special disability feeling alone.... Almost grieving and/or isolated.

When we got our diagnosis I don't know how we felt? It was a feeling we never had before. Was it sadness, anger, feeling of grief, emptiness, guilt or relieved that we finally had a why as to what was happening? There was hole somewhere, just not sure where.

But in the days>weeks>months that passed, we learned so much. One, we as a community are not alone. (There is always a parent that understands and has been somewhat in your shoes.)

We read everything possible, books, listened audio books, articles, website. This was in between doing all sorts of virtual therapy for 18-22 hours a week and taking care our other child in the midst of the pandemic.

I think what happens is the Dr.s are so used to giving the diagnosis and next steps for the child that they forget the next steps for parents....

That is why we created The Learning Star. We never wanted anyone to feel alone or that they didn't have a place to go or a path to follow like we did. We wanted a place that would show up in the google search of "My child/toddler was just diagnosed with Autism"

We have learned so much and want to share and help. But the most important thing we learned is that our son (ASD&SPD) lives in the moment. He doesn't remember the past and does not even think about the future. He makes decisions the best he can at that moment.

We should follow his lead. Help our little ones from where they are and be together with them. If we are sad worried and focussed on the "what if's" & "what happens when", we might miss something amazing now.

Photo credit for thumbnail Lessons Learned in Life

  1. There is someone always here for you at The Learning Star. Please reach out on social media or. schedule a free call with us. We are here to help

  2. It's ok to have the feelings your are experiencing. Feel them fully. Let them pass through you so you can get to the next steps

  3. Everyday is a new day try not to have expectations. These can manifest into falso hopes and then your road will be very tough. We start everyday as a new day and know that everyday will be great

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