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What is a weighted toy and why are they important?

Updated: Aug 27, 2021

Well without weighted toys we would have never created Brownie the Bear. Brownie is a weighted and stuffed bear made out of specialized sensory material that our star can't live without. Brownie has 2 different textures and is filled with stuffing and weighted polly beads.

We couldn't last a day without Brownie. Brownie has become a part of our family and so has Star his other sensory stuffed toys.

Brownie weights about 7 pounds and bring a sense of calming to our star when he is out of sorts, melting down, or is tired and can't cope with what is going on. We lay Brownie in his lap and he pets his friend.

Brownie sits on our couch daily and see's and hears everything and is there to provide comfort and grounding weight when our star is floating...

Why is having this type of friend so important?

The pressure from the weighted items can relieve stress for littles ones with ASD and improve their ability to focus on the task at hand. It can also make them feel as if they're being rewarded. Individuals with ASD may also feel like sensory stimulations around them — such as noises and touch — are too intense. Having the extra weight can help things feel less overwhelming and improve focus.

Part 2 of answer provided by, Feb 5, 2019.

The other huge reason that Brownie is so important is because Brownie writes the blog and shares all our secrets. Brownie is a bear of all trades. Keep Reading and Brownie might teach you a thing or two.

Click here to visit our Cosmic Calmers store and find great toys to help your star shine.


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